Great Minds with Michael Medved Podcast with In Depth Conversations about Timeless Topics


The Return of the God Hypothesis | Stephen C. Meyer

Biology reveals evidence of design, Dr. Meyer explains in this conversation with Michael, but it can’t take us very far in identifying the source of that design. Proponents of intelligent design have been clear about that. For an idea about who or what the designer might be, you need to turn to other scientific fields — physics and cosmology — that consider the ultra-finely tuned laws that permit a livable planet in the first place. The awesome design extends from the origin of the universe, down to the tiniest particles. Drawing from physics and cosmology, Meyer sketches the evidence for theism. Read More ›

The Origin of Animal Life | Stephen Meyer

No question is greater or more ultimate than that of our origins as living creatures. Darwinian theory tells the story of our origins one way. Biblical creationists, of course, tell it another way. Does that exhaust the possibilities? Our guest today, Stephen Meyer, doesn’t think so. Read More ›

What Is Life? | Stephen Meyer

Even if you don’t know how to define life, you know it when you see it. But how? Of course there is a rigorous scientific definition, specifying the characteristics that distinguish living from nonliving matter. And these lead to conundrums for any materialist understanding of evolution. Read More ›

Discovery Institute