Great Minds with Michael Medved Podcast with In Depth Conversations about Timeless Topics



Seeing Purpose in the Lives of Washington and Lincoln | Michael Medved with Stephen Meyer

The focus in this episode of Great Minds with Michael Medved is on a pair of giants, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, who dazzle the student of our country’s history with evidence of a special guidance at work at numerous key junctures in their lives. The outcome of two great conflicts, the Revolutionary War and the Civil War, seem to have turned, in remarkable ways, upon bizarre providential twists. The consequences have been profound not just for the United States but for the world. Read More ›

Providence in American History | Michael Medved and Stephen Meyer

ID is a scientific theory competing with neo-Darwinian evolution, but it’s more than that: a paradigm for understanding human history, especially the history of the United States. In a new podcast episode of Great Minds with Michael Medved, Michael switches places with ID theorist Stephen Meyer to discuss his latest book, The American Miracle: Divine Providence in the Rise of the Republic. Read More ›

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