Great Minds with Michael Medved Podcast with In Depth Conversations about Timeless Topics

Michael Medved Conversing with Randall Wallace

The Birth of Braveheart | Randall Wallace

Michael Medved and long-time friend Randall Wallace discuss the fortunes of the once robust business of movie entertainment and the current exodus toward television. The ensuing conversation revisits the birth of the idea of Braveheart in a Scottish church, the initial meeting with Mel Gibson, and the importance of having the conviction to be faithful to one's own heart. Read More ›

The Origin of Animal Life | Stephen Meyer

No question is greater or more ultimate than that of our origins as living creatures. Darwinian theory tells the story of our origins one way. Biblical creationists, of course, tell it another way. Does that exhaust the possibilities? Our guest today, Stephen Meyer, doesn’t think so. Read More ›

You Need to Know Who You Are to Begin With | David Gelernter

In this wide ranging conversation, Michael Medved and David Gelernter touch on scientism, consciousness, and education. Gelernter observes how at times, scientists let their vaunted position get to their head, bullying other disciplines while failing to acknowledge their own limits. Having written extensively on consciousness, he describes the current state of the field and Thomas Nagel's scandalous opinion that we currently lack the tools to solve this "deepest mystery". Finally, Gelernter reflects on the state of higher education, specifically with reference to Yale. Read More ›

Consensual Science | Jay Richards

We know that, despite the cliché, great minds do not all think alike. That’s why on Great Minds with Michael Medved, we bring to you a diverse list of guests, who don’t think alike, and who don’t necessarily think the way the majority or the “consensus” in their field say they should. After his timely and controversial essay for the American Enterprise Institute, Michael asks Jay about about the idea of a “consensus” in science, and when we’re entitled to doubt it. Read More ›

The Story of a Storyteller | Randall Wallace

Mr. Randall Wallace is a committed storyteller and artist, and, something rarer in Hollywood, a committed Christian. Michael talks with Randall about Hollywood and faith: Must they be in a perpetual collision, or can there be productive collaboration? Read More ›

The Death of Humanity | Richard Weikart

The title of our program is Great Minds with Michael Medved, and it really does take a great mind to survey the sweep of Western intellectual history and pick out in all of that a disturbing trend. That’s what historian of modern European history Richard Weikart does in his latest book, The Death of Humanity: And the Case for Life. Read More ›

Planet Privilege | Jay Richards

Michael talks with Dr. Richards about the book he co-authored with astronomer Guillermo Gonzalez, Privileged Planet. Nothing in this physical reality of ours is greater than the universe itself. What is man’s place in it? And in the hopes of answering such an audacious question, what makes scientific discovery even possible? Read More ›

What Is Life? | Stephen Meyer

Even if you don’t know how to define life, you know it when you see it. But how? Of course there is a rigorous scientific definition, specifying the characteristics that distinguish living from nonliving matter. And these lead to conundrums for any materialist understanding of evolution. Read More ›

Darwin to Hitler | Richard Weikart

One question that tragically never goes away is that of evil and its roots. Adolf Hitler was not a lunatic, nor did he emerge onto the stage of history from nowhere. He had a background, an intellectual milieu, that historian Richard Weikart explores in his book From Darwin to Hitler: Evolutionary Ethics, Eugenics, and Racism in Germany. Read More ›

God of Hollywood | Randall Wallace

Why is Hollywood so hostile to faith? What is it like to be a person of faith working within the industry? And, what is the real god of Hollywood? Read More ›

Discovery Institute